ATAG Speaks to County Board Demanding Enforcement of Tree Protections
Dover Crystal project area before.
Dover Crystal project area after.
On Saturday February 12th, ATAG addressed the critical need for better enforcement of Arlington County regulations governing by-right construction and development of our residential areas, both single-family homes (SFH's) and multifamily homes (MFH's). ATAG also asked the Board to put pressure on Richmond to delegate authorities to Arlington for local preservation ordinances, and to change the statewide cap on tree canopy replacement during residential construction to help save our dwindling urban forest. See the slides from the presentation here.
Later during the public comment period, a resident of Dover Crystal neighborhood expressed the dismay of the neighbors about excessive tree loss during construction of multiple homes on a very large lot and the negative impact on nearby peoperties. Their experience vividly illustrated the points ATAG made for changing the rules to save our trees, and ourselves, as climate change bears down. For more info on the Dover-Crystal project click here.