Advocacy Tools for Communities

Calculate Value of Community Trees

The i-Tree models, developed through the US Forest Service, also provide neighborhoods and communities with more advanced tools to quantify ecosystem services and benefit values of community trees including street trees. The results quantify pollution mitigation, storm water run-off reduction, carbon sequestration and storage. These tools can be used to document the collective impacts of multiple projects as well as increase awareness, engage decision makers and build new partnerships.

Influence Developers

Going to the developer and tracking projects early in the development process can process can have significant benefits. Tools include contacting the developer to provide information and request their cooperation. Influence developers with good reasoning and clear requests - Some examples. It is also possible to track the public zoning and permitting process to ensure proper regulation of a project to ensure that all tree protection regulations are observed.


Organize your neighbors to work together to advocate for preserving, planting,and identify significant trees that are important to you.

Collect data that documents the impacts of the action you propose or the projects of concern.

Contact your neighborhood civic association for support for your proposals.

Join forces with neighboring civic associations around shared issues.


Educate government citizens, officials, schools, social organizations on the value of trees.

Bring in experts from local organizations supporting a healthy urban tree canopy