
Ask Forest Manager about new tree canopy study

Don’t miss the opportunity to ask the Arlington County Urban Forest Manager about the the County’s new Urban Tree Canopy Assessment!

On March 12, 2025, at 7:00 pm at the Lyon Park Community Center, Vincent Verweij, Arlington County Urban Forest Manager, will give an in-person presentation on the County’s new Urban Tree Canopy Assessment.  At the end of the presentation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions. 

SAVE THE DATE!  More details to follow.

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Forestry and Natural Resources Commission Meeting (Virtual)

Forestry and Natural Resources Commission (FNRC)- Citizens appointed to provide advice to Board on these subjects. Two minutes each for public comments at the beginning of each meeting. You must sign up by noon that day to speak.

Agenda and links to meeting will be published at

Opportunities to comment on the new tree canopy study showing only 33% coverage overall compared to the 41% claimed by the County. This study shows that trees are an important part of the plan to mitigate Climate Change and implement the Forestry and Natural Resources Plan (FNRP). The County must act on the priorities identified to slow the loss of tree canopy. Also, during public comment, you can weigh in on the new Expanded Housing zoning and lot coverage ordinances that reduce tree canopy that leave less space reserved for potential tree planting, increases stormwater runoff and much more.

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Park & Recreation Commission Hybrid Meeting with Sports Commission

The Commission has 15 members representing a mix of individuals with a range of expertise related to the PRC mission. The PRC's primary responsibilities are to provide the County Board with recommendations concerning Parks and recreation planning, programming and budgetary matters. For the agenda, staff reports, and more information on the members and activities, go to the County webpage.

Most other meetings are hybrid in-person and via Microsoft Teams with details available on how to participate and make written or public comments available here.


Details of previous meetings -

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County Board Recessed Meeting

The agenda for the meeting is available at the Board website. Agenda items not addressed at the Regular meeting will be items for this Recessed meeting on the follow Tuesday. Meeting information available at Two minutes allowed for each public speaker on any topic at the beginning of each agenda item in this meeting. Get more information and sign-up here. County Board email or phone 703-228-3130.

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Climate Change, Energy & Environment Commission Meeting (C2E2)

C2E2 advises and assists the Arlington County Board in meeting Arlington’s commitment to climate action including on:

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County Board Regular Meeting

The agenda for the meeting is available at the Board website. Agenda items not addressed at this meeting will be on the agenda items deferred to the Recessed meeting on the follow Tuesday. Two minutes allowed for each public speaker on any topic at the beginning of each meeting. Comments on agenda items are taken at the time the item is discussed. Get more information and sign-up here.

County Board email or phone 703-228-3130.

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Comments Deadline -Board's Climate Change Resolution

This draft resolution for County action offers no recognition of the important role trees play in climate change and provides no specific actions like too many other County “Plans” and “Resolutions”. Your review and comments on the Resolutions are very important. Let the Board know that you care about our declining forest and the urgent need to protect and invest in this kind of green infrastructure.

This is their approach to the climate crisis. “Much like the County’s Equity Resolution, this resolution aims to provide framing principles that will guide a whole-of-government approach to address the current climate crisis,” said Chair Takis Karantonis. “Every part of our government should be in sync and attuned to deliver on our climate policies and goals.”  

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Meet Arlington's Assistant County Manager for Climate Policy - Virtual

An evening with Jennifer Fioretti, the new Assistant County Manager for Climate Policy. Jennifer will discuss the role of the County's Office of Climate Policy and opportunities for residents to support this important work. This is an opportunity to reinforce the ideas that trees are an import part of any climate agenda. There will be a question and answer session after the presentation. This event is co-sponsored by Defensores de la Cuenca, the Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions, Leaders in Energy, Northern Virginia Conservation Trust, Potomac Riverkeeper Network, Phoenix Bikes, Rock Spring Congregational United Church of Christ, Coalition for Smarter Growth, and the Sierra Club Potomac River Group. Register at

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Save the Date! March 12, 7pm. Ask Arlington Forest Manager about new tree canopy study

Don’t miss the opportunity to ask the Arlington County Urban Forest Manager about the the County’s new Urban Tree Canopy Assessment!

On March 12, 2025, at 7:00 pm at the Lyon Park Community Center, Vincent Verweij, Arlington County Urban Forest Manager, will give an in-person presentation on the County’s new Urban Tree Canopy Assessment.  At the end of the presentation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions. 

SAVE THE DATE!  More details to follow.

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to Feb 14

Comment on Board's Climate Change Resolution

This draft resolution for County action offers no recognition of the important role trees play in climate change and provides no specific actions like too many other County “Plans” and “Resolutions”. Your review and comments on the Resolutions are very important. Let the Board know that you care about our declining forest and the urgent need to protect and invest in this kind of green infrastructure. Use the County comment form or, better yet, just send an email to the Board or call 703-228-3130.

This is their approach to the climate crisis. “Much like the County’s Equity Resolution, this resolution aims to provide framing principles that will guide a whole-of-government approach to address the current climate crisis,” said Chair Takis Karantonis. “Every part of our government should be in sync and attuned to deliver on our climate policies and goals.”  

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Forestry and Natural Resources Commission

Forestry and Natural Resources Commission (FNRC)- Citizens appointed to provide advice to Board on these subjects. Two minutes each for public comments at the beginning of each meeting. You must sign up by noon that day to speak.

Agenda and links to meeting will be published at

Opportunities to comment on the new tree canopy study showing only 33% coverage overall compared to the 41% claimed by the County. This study shows the top options and their value for next steps to implement the Forestry and Natural Resources Plan (FNRP). The County must act on the priorities identified to slow the loss of tree canopy. Also, during public comment, you can weigh in on the new Expanded Housing zoning that reduces tree canopy that leaves less space reserved for potential tree planting, increases lot coverage, reduces stormwater benefits, and much more.

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Forestry and Natural Resources Commission Virtual Meeting - Public input opportunity.

This is only a virtual meeting on Microsoft Teams Click here for meeting link if joining remotely.

Opportunities to comment on the new tree canopy study showing only 33% coverage overall compared to the 41% claimed by the County. This study shows the top options and their value for next steps to implement the Forestry and Natural Resources Plan (FNRP). The County must act on the priorities identified to slow the loss of tree canopy. Also, during public comment, you can weigh in on the new Expanded Housing zoning that reduces tree canopy that leaves less space reserved for potential tree planting, increases lot coverage, reduces stormwater benefits, and much more.

Forestry and Natural Resources Commission (FNRC)- Citizens appointed to provide advice to Board on these subjects. Two minutes each for public comments at the beginning of each meeting. You must sign up by noon that day to speak.

Agenda and links to meeting will be published at

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Climate Change, Energy & Environment Commission Meeting

C2E2 advises and assists the Arlington County Board in meeting Arlington’s commitment to climate action including on:

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County Board Regular Meeting

The agenda for the meeting is available at the Board website. Agenda items not addressed at this meeting will be on the agenda items deferred to the Recessed meeting on the follow Tuesday. Two minutes allowed for each public speaker on any topic at the beginning of each meeting. Comments on agenda items are taken at the time the item is discussed. Get more information and sign-up here.

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Park & Recreation Commission Hybrid Meeting

The Commission has 15 members representing a mix of individuals with a range of expertise related to the PRC mission. The PRC's primary responsibilities are to provide the County Board with recommendations concerning Parks and recreation planning, programming and budgetary matters. For the agenda, staff reports, and more information on the members and activities, go to the County webpage.

Most other meetings are hybrid in-person and via Microsoft Teams with details available on how to participate and make written or public comments available here.

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Forestry and Natural Resources Commission Hybrid Meeting - Public input opportunity.

This is a hybrid in-person and virtual meeting on Microsoft Teams Click here for meeting link if joining remotely.

Opportunities to comment on the new tree canopy study showing only 33% coverage overall compared to the 41% claimed by the County. This study shows the top options and their value for next steps to implement the Forestry and Natural Resources Plan (FNRP). The County must act on the priorities identified to slow the loss of tree canopy. Also, during public comment, you can weigh in on the new Expanded Housing zoning that reduces tree canopy that leaves less space reserved for potential tree planting, increases lot coverage, reduces stormwater benefits, and much more.

Forestry and Natural Resources Commission (FNRC)- Citizens appointed to provide advice to Board on these subjects. Two minutes each for public comments at the beginning of each meeting. You must sign up by noon that day to speak.

Agenda and links to meeting will be published at

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Climate Change, Energy & Environment Commission Meeting

C2E2 advises and assists the Arlington County Board in meeting Arlington’s commitment to climate action including on:

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County Board Regular Meeting

The agenda for the meeting is available at the Board website. Agenda items not addressed at this meeting will be on the agenda items deferred to the Recessed meeting on the follow Tuesday. Two minutes allowed for each public speaker on any topic at the beginning of each meeting. Comments on agenda items are taken at the time the item is discussed. Get more information and sign-up here.

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Park & Recreation Commission Hybrid Meeting

The Commission has 15 members representing a mix of individuals with a range of expertise related to the PRC mission. The PRC's primary responsibilities are to provide the County Board with recommendations concerning Parks and recreation planning, programming and budgetary matters. For the agenda, staff reports, and more information on the members and activities, go to the County webpage.

Most other meetings are hybrid in-person and via Microsoft Teams with details available on how to participate and make written or public comments available here.

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Climate Change, Energy & Environment Commission Meeting

C2E2 advises and assists the Arlington County Board in meeting Arlington’s commitment to climate action including on:

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Forestry and Natural Resources Commission Hybrid Meeting - Public input opportunity.

This is a hybrid in-person and virtual meeting on Microsoft Teams Click here for meeting link if joining remotely.

Opportunities to comment on the new tree canopy study showing only 33% coverage overall compared to the 41% claimed by the County. This study shows the top options and their value for next steps to implement the Forestry and Natural Resources Plan (FNRP). The County must act on the priorities identified to slow the loss of tree canopy. Also, during public comment, you can weigh in on the new Expanded Housing zoning that reduces tree canopy that leaves less space reserved for potential tree planting, increases lot coverage, reduces stormwater benefits, and much more.

Forestry and Natural Resources Commission (FNRC)- Citizens appointed to provide advice to Board on these subjects. Two minutes each for public comments at the beginning of each meeting. You must sign up by noon that day to speak.

Agenda and links to meeting will be published at

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Park & Recreation Commission Hybrid Meeting

The Commission has 15 members representing a mix of individuals with a range of expertise related to the PRC mission. The PRC's primary responsibilities are to provide the County Board with recommendations concerning Parks and recreation planning, programming and budgetary matters. For the agenda, staff reports, and more information on the members and activities, go to the County webpage.

Most other meetings are hybrid in-person and via Microsoft Teams with details available on how to participate and make written or public comments available here.

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County Board Regular Meeting

The agenda for the meeting is available at the Board website. Agenda items not addressed at this meeting will be on the agenda items deferred to the Recessed meeting on the follow Tuesday. Two minutes allowed for each public speaker on any topic at the beginning of each meeting. Comments on agenda items are taken at the time the item is discussed. Get more information and sign-up here.

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Forestry and Natural Resources Commission Hybrid Meeting - Public input opportunity.

This is a hybrid in-person and virtual meeting on Microsoft Teams Click here for meeting link if joining remotely.

Opportunities to comment on the new tree canopy study showing only 33% coverage overall compared to the 41% claimed by the County. This study shows the top options and their value for next steps to implement the Forestry and Natural Resources Plan (FNRP). The County must act on the priorities identified to slow the loss of tree canopy. Also, during public comment, you can weigh in on the new Expanded Housing zoning that reduces tree canopy that leaves less space reserved for potential tree planting, increases lot coverage, reduces stormwater benefits, and much more.

Forestry and Natural Resources Commission (FNRC)- Citizens appointed to provide advice to Board on these subjects. Two minutes each for public comments at the beginning of each meeting. You must sign up by noon that day to speak.

Agenda and links to meeting will be published at

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Park & Recreation Commission Virtual Only Meeting

The Commission has 15 members representing a mix of individuals with a range of expertise related to the PRC mission. The PRC's primary responsibilities are to provide the County Board with recommendations concerning Parks and recreation planning, programming and budgetary matters. For the agenda, staff reports, and more information on the members and activities, go to the County webpage.

Most other meetings are hybrid in-person and via Microsoft Teams with details available on how to participate and make written or public comments available here.

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Climate Change, Energy & Environment Commission Meeting

C2E2 advises and assists the Arlington County Board in meeting Arlington’s commitment to climate action including on:

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