Magnificent Magnolia Trees Cut by Developer

On May 24th, Cherry Hill Builders ripped out an 80 year old magnolia tree and a second magnolia (not quite as historic but over 60 years old) on Little Falls Road after tearing down two houses side by side. These trees were magnificent and anyone who walks on Little Falls enjoyed the gorgeous blossoms and scents all summer long. How can Arlington County allow this devastating destruction of such important trees to our beautiful neighborhoods? I have been worried about these trees since the builder’s signs went up to build two spec houses next to Rock Spring Church. Neighbors contacted Cherry Hill to plead that they protect them, and the owner was a unmoved. This is going to look like Loudon County pretty soon. A tragic loss that saddens yet another neighborhood. If you would like to take action you can speak at the Forestry and Natural Resources Commission virtual meeting on Thursday, May 26th at 7 pm. The Commission advises the County Board on policies and practices associated with the preservation and use of natural resources on both public and private lands.

If you would like to attend go to

If you would like to speak, go to, before Noon on the 26th.


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