ATAG - Trees undervalued in Board's draft Climate Change Resolution - forests mitigate impacts. Comment until 2/14.

This draft resolution for County action offers no recognition of the important role trees play in climate change and provides no specific actions like too many other County “Plans” and “Resolutions”. Your review and comments on the Resolutions are very important. Let the Board know that you care about our declining forest and the urgent need to protect and invest in this kind of green infrastructure. Use the County comment form or, better yet, just send an email to the Board or call 703-228-3130 .

Here is their inadequate approach to the climate crisis. “Much like the County’s Equity Resolution, this resolution aims to provide framing principles that will guide a whole-of-government approach to address the current climate crisis,” said Chair Takis Karantonis. “Every part of our government should be in sync and attuned to deliver on our climate policies and goals.”

Here is a copy of ATAG’s comments sent to the Board.


Save the Date! March 12, 7pm. Ask Arlington Forest Manager about new tree canopy study